SHS Scholarships Seeking Donors
Jack Hutslar, a former teacher, coach and 1957 SHS graduate, announced the creation of the SHS Scholarships. It was started to provide scholarships for current-year Springfield High School graduates who wish to pursue education and training after high school.
Hutslar started working on the idea of scholarships for SHS graduates about 10 years ago. Hutslar, an Ohio State alumni [B.S., Ph.D.], noted that he rarely found Springfield linked to names in The Ohio State Monthly alumni magazine. He said: “Local scholarships would help motivate SHS graduates to pursue education after high school, whether trade school, community college or four year degree programs.”
A Wittenberg University applied management team of three undergraduate students headed by Dr Pam Schindler just concluded a thorough study of the SHS Scholarships proposal. Their recommendations provided strategic direction and tactics for how to raise funds for these scholarships. They also provided important local contact information.
WittCAM Team
L-R: Jack Hutslar, Huddleston VA; Sopheap Kuhn, Jr, Marketing major, Columbus; Katie McIlvain, Sr, Management minor, Cleveland; Katherine Yeskewich, Jr, Management major, Columbus.
As a direct result of this WittCAM study, Hutslar began contacting various SHS, North and South reunion groups, Chamber of Commerce members, selected organizations in Springfield as well as officials at Springfield High School. These people are the local base upon which to fund these scholarships.
All SHS Scholarships donations are to be sent directly to The Springfield Foundation. Horton Hobbs, development officer, is working closely with Jack Hutslar to monitor contributions. Hobbs can help donors plan how to best contribute whether one time, monthly or annually. Donations can include property and future bequests.
The initial goal is to raise $30,000 before scholarships can be awarded. The five-year goal is to raise $1 million. Thus far, over $1,100 has been collected from SHS alumni through donation letters plus nearly $5,000 in pledges. This fundraising effort is patterned after college alumni programs rather than large individual endowments. Of course, large individual donations are gladly accepted.
The more you learn, the more you earn.
The SHS Scholarships will foster two happenings. First, it will help individual students improve their own lives and that of their current and future families. It is widely known that the more you learn, the more you earn. Secondly, educated graduates will help Springfield grow and prosper by, among other things, attracting businesses that seek an educated workforce. That lifts all boats.
Service & Leadership. Academic Performance. Need.
The criteria for awarding scholarships are service and leadership to school and community, academic performance in school, and financial need plus letters of recommendation. The SHS Scholarships were set up to encourage students to engage in service and positive leadership while in school.
These criteria are well within the reach of reasonably conscientious students. For those students and their families who want to capitalize on the value of education after high school, they should also recognize that these standards do not put a premium on high academic achievement as do many scholarships. In this case, Springfield High School students will find that they are not competing with students from across the nation for scholarships. They are competing only with their fellow classmates.
Donations of any amount or type may be sent to:
SHS Scholarships
c/o The Springfield Foundation
4 West Main Street, Suite 825
Springfield, Ohio 45502
937 324-8773
For information about the SHS Scholarships, visit See the News button for updates and the Donor button to make contributions.
Contact Jack Hutslar, living in Virginia at Smith Mountain Lake, when more information is needed, make suggestions or become more involved. 800 767-4916 or
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