Wednesday, August 8, 2012


FYI: The SHS Scholarships Program was created to benefit the new SHS graduates. It is not affiliated with nor does it receive funding or support from Springfield High School [SHS] or the Springfield Schools System or its administrators.

All contributions to The SHS Scholarships Program go to The Springfield Foundation. They manage all aspects of The SHS Scholarships Program with input from Jack Hutslar.

Jack Hutslar started SHS Scholarships Program with the help and support of several SHS Class of 1957 graduates. Their support is greatly appreciated - Phil McClelland, Ron McGonigal, Jack Reynard.

We wish to extend our appreciation for their support to the Springfield Foundation, the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Dr David Estrop, Springfield Superintendent of Schools.

The Springfield Foundation

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

SHS donations and the Power of Two

Have you heard of the Power of Two.

"2 gather 2 who gather 2 who gather 2."

Well, you know that 2 times 2 is 4

4 doubled is 8, but

4 doubled is a total of 12. This occurs when each of the four original donors gather 2 new donors. Then we will then have a total of 12 donors, 8 of whom are new donors.

When those 8 donors gather two new donors each, we will have 16 more new donors. See how fast it multiplies.

We are asking our annual donors to gather two new friends and relatives who will then become annual donors.

This strategy is not difficult to begin. The effects on our ability to award the SHS Scholarships to deserving students will be dramatic. With your help, this will happen. When we help our new SHS grads, we help Springfield.

Remember, no donation is too small: $19.57. $195.70. $1,957.00. Play with this concept and your year of graduation.

Thanks in advance for becoming an annual donor . . . jack57shs